How to ease a painful menstrual period?

How to ease a painful menstrual period?

Menstruation is a natural process that women experience every month, but for many women, it can be a very painful experience. From cramps and tension to fatigue and mood swings, menstruation and menstrual problems can cause many discomforts. Fortunately, there are...
Mental Health: Everything You Need to Know

Mental Health: Everything You Need to Know

Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which a person can achieve all his goals and potentials, and can cope with all other situations in life. A person who is in a normal mental state can contribute to society and the community, can function normally...
Testosteron: Sve što trebate znati

Testosteron: Sve što trebate znati

Šta je testosteron, za šta je važan i koliko je bitan za zdravlje muškarca? Radi se o muškom spolnom hormonu kojeg u manjoj mjeri imaju i žene. Što se tiče muškaraca, što ga više imaju to je muškarac snažniji, mišićaviji, borbeniji ali i spolno mnogo moćniji. Muškarci...
Testosterone: Everything You Need to Know

Testosterone: Everything You Need to Know

What is testosterone, why is it important and how important is it for a man’s health? It is a male sex hormone that, to a lesser extent, women also have. As for men, the more they have, the stronger, more muscular, more combative, but also much more sexually...

Menstrualni problemi: sve što trebate znati!

Šta su to menstruali problemi i šta biste sve trebali znati o ovoj temi? Materica je organ koji je u obliku kruške i nalazi se između mjehura i crijeva. Ona se sastoji iz dva dijeta – vrata i tijela maternice. Sa obje strane tijela maternice nalaze se jajovodi...
Menstrual Problems: Everything You Need to Know!

Menstrual Problems: Everything You Need to Know!

What are menstrual problems and what should you know about this topic? The uterus is a pear-shaped organ located between the bladder and intestines. It consists of two diets – the neck and body of the uterus. There are fallopian tubes (fallopian tubes) on both...
Šta je stres, kako utiče na čovjeka i koliko je opasan?

Šta je stres, kako utiče na čovjeka i koliko je opasan?

Znate li šta je stres, kako ga se riješiti i šta je najbolja anti stres terapija? Stres je niz psihičkih i fizičkih promjena kroz koje čovjek prolazi a dolazi od vanjskih i unutrašnjih uzročnika. Kada je tijelo izloženo stresu, dolazi do neravnoteže organizma i tada...
Why is Quality Sleep so Important?

Why is Quality Sleep so Important?

Quality sleep is very important for every person’s life. Just as food and air are necessary for humans, in the same way undisturbed sleep is very important for a normal way of life. The reasons for lack of sleep and exhaustion can be different. In order to...
What is Immunity and Everything You Need to Know About it?

What is Immunity and Everything You Need to Know About it?

Do you know what immunity is and how important it is for the body? Immunity is actually the body’s protector against bacteria, viruses and other predators that regularly lurk to harm us. It protects us from infections, diseases and infections. In some people,...